It’s REALLY hard to find genuine Side hustle options for earning fast money without quitting your Job. In this ultimate guide, I will spoil you with 19 amazing Real-Life Side hustle Ideas that will end your financial worries once and for all. In Fact, you will be surprised that such options exist just around you. Also, it is guaranteed to give you a clear understanding of all aspects of Side Hustle in detail.

So, Let’s get started.

What is Side Hustle? How it is different from Passive Income?

Before jumping to Side Hustle Ideas for earning fast money, let’s understand some basics.

In a side hustle, you earn money by trading your time to pay and your income potential is limited because you can only work so much.

Whereas Passive income is money earned from your assets without your participation. This can include earnings from a rental property, dividends from stocks, or any other similar type of income.

Passive Income requires upfront time and less regular attention. In contrast, a side hustle requires your ongoing time and effort. The turnover at the end of the month is directly related to the actual working time and the simple formula is:

One hour of work = XX $$ of income.

Whereas there is unlimited income potential in passive income as you can make money while you sleep.

What is considered a side hustle?

Take the example of Tutoring/ Teaching, which is a great skill.

Consider that you sign up on a Tutoring platform such as or and are paid a per-hour rate for your services. This is a side hustle where you exchange your time for money.

Now, consider that you use your subject expertise and develop some eBooks or a small video course. Then you market it on a platform like

If you are looking for a comprehensive guide on earning Passive income, click here for the Best Passive Income Ideas that Work.

How do Side Hustle Projects help in Jobs and Promotions?

Now, this is an interesting angle into the benefits of having a Side Hustle. Besides earning you some cash, your Side Hustle adds a lot of value to your Resume as well.

While doing a Side Hustle, you learn some transferable skills such as deadline management, customer service management, leadership, and more.

Besides, there are bright chances that you also learn some new technical skills and these can help you transition into a new career that you have never thought about.

And precisely, this is why mentioning details of a side hustle, which you have pursued, in your resume, can prove to be highly beneficial. For the recruiters, this acts as additional proof of skills that they may be looking for.

If your side hustle project is directly related to your field of interest, then obviously it may be treated as experience in that area along with the rest of your professional experiences.

Even if your side hustle is not directly related, you can make a separate section for it in your resume and name it as ‘Side Projects’, ‘Freelance Work’, (your Field) Experience e.g., Writing Experience, or Website Development Experience.

Not only this will add weight to your resume while seeking a new job, but such experience in your resume may also prove instrumental in getting you a promotion.

What percentage of workers have a side hustle?

Does it seem like most of the time you meet someone who suddenly has more than one job, usually a nine-to-five job plus a secondary job?

If you felt so then you were definitely not imagining things!

Insuranks conducted a survey on part-time employed and full-time employed Americans and found that:

Americans with a side hustle

What are the top five reasons people start a side hustle?

Reasons to start side hustle

Doing a side hustle for extra cash can go a long mile in paying the bills or saving up to buy something special, or you just want to bring some additional income.

Also, the beauty of having a side business online is that you don’t need a large initial investment or some specialized skills. With some time management, You can adjust it to your schedule and pursue it to make money from the comfort of your home.

Besides, if this side hustle is something that intersects with your passion and skills, you may even be able to earn enough money to quit your job and make it a full-time affair!

How to find the right-side hustle? Which is the best side hustle for you?

finding right side hustle

Consider the following four factors while trying to figure out the side hustle that will work right for you:

  1. Your interests, hobbies, strengths & resources

Interests & Hobbies:

Ideally, a side hustle should align with one of your interests & hobbies and should obviously not be the one you dislike.

For example, if you cannot stand the chattering and nagging of kids, then of course babysitting is probably not the best option for you.

Basically, while choosing a suitable side hustle, your hobbies are a good place to start with.

If, suppose you are inclined towards arts and designing then selling your creations on popular platforms like Etsy, Redbubble, or Zazzle or even creating your own e-commerce store will turn out to be a good side hustle.

If you like teaching or coaching kids offering your services as a tutor on online platforms like Chegg or Princetonreview will be an excellent side hustle.

Also, irrespective of your skill or interest, you can start a side hustle as a freelancer and advertise your services on platforms like Fiverr & Upwork or a social media platform like Facebook or Nextdoor.

Strengths & Resources:

Be honest with yourself about what you are good at and what not as this will save you from unnecessary failure.

For example, if you struggle with your time commitments, and organizing, stay away from side hustles that require a high level of professionalism, such as working independently with multiple clients or undertaking independent projects like freelancing.

Consider the resources you have at your disposal. For example, ‘flipping couches’ or similar items can be a great side hustle if you have a storage option and a truck.

Similarly, if you have a car and a few hours to spare at night and on weekends, sign up to drive in a ride-sharing app. like Uber or Lyft can be a great option as a side hustle.

  1. Your Time Commitment for a Side Hustle

This is another area where you need to be realistic with yourself. Evaluate the free time that you can devote to your side hustle after tendering to your fixed obligations towards your daily lives, family, friends, and, of course, your daily jobs.

This is particularly important if your side hustle requires working with clients who expect you to produce high-quality work under a deadline. If ignored, it will lead to poor quality work, or missing deadlines and will earn you a bad reputation leading to certain failure with your side hustle. Especially in the case of a freelancer, Feedback, Ratings & recommendations are everything.

Also, do remember:

No side hustle is worth sacrificing your sanity

Thus, either align your available time with your chosen side hustle or find something more manageable.

  1. Market demand for your offerings

It simply means analyzing the competition for the chosen niche of your side hustle. The higher the competition in your niche, the lesser the chance of making profits.

However, if you have something unique with your offering, you can succeed even in a crowded niche.

  1. Your short- & long-term monetary goals

If you simply want to earn a little extra money on a temporary basis, then a relatively less specialized side hustle like driving a few hours on weekends for a ride-sharing app. or starting a small pet care business will serve the purpose.

But if you are looking to earn some serious money – for, say paying off your student loans quickly or reaching a financial goal before the end of the year – then you need to choose a side hustle with higher earning potential which entitles spending more time outside of your daily job and employing more resources.  

Thus, when it comes to choosing the side hustle just right for you, consider your strengths, abilities, and hobbies. Do a bit of research and validate your idea for a side hustle by finding a way to monetize them.

Carefully consider factors such as your time constraints and your obligations to ensure quality and timely output. Promote yourself and connect with customers and leads. And, finally, stay positive and don’t be afraid of failures, after all, life is about trial and error.

How do you turn a hobby into a side hustle? What is the best side hustle?

turning hobby into side hustle

When choosing a suitable side hustle, start with exploring your hobbies, that you are passionate about.  It is this passion for a particular hobby that will help you overcome the various challenges and obstacles that you may encounter while starting the chosen side hustle, procrastination being the topmost.

When I realized I could make money outside my nine-to-five job, the thought of making extra bucks tickled me. Once I thought about this, selective perception kicked in and l started noticing that most of the people are side hustling in some or the other way, so why not me?

Well, I was confused and didn’t know where to start. And then it hit me. When my best friend asked me to prepare a banner for her Art classes and my neighbor asked me to tutor her son on making a website, I realized that I have skills that people would pay for!

And amazingly, I was already offering a lot of these services for free (or a cup of coffee).

Now you must have understood that the simplest and most enjoyable way to start your Side Hustle is to put to work your existing skills. You can make money from any hobby you can name.

There a certain steps that you need to follow in order to turn your hobby into a paying side hustle.

First step: Shortlist a few of your hobbies or skills that you are passionate about and will enjoy putting to work.

It can be:

  • Gardening
  • Baby Sitting
  • Cleaning
  • Baking
  • Exercising
  • Crafting
  • Writing
  • Photography
  • Web Designing
  • And so on….

My list consisted of writing and financial planning. From this list, I got the idea of offering my services as a blog post writer on financial topics.

So, narrow down to a small list that you think can be turned into a money-making side hustle.

The second step is to conduct market research for the services or products you have to offer.

Based on the understanding of your skills or hobby, define your ideal customer avatar who will benefit from your services or products. This involves:

Who – are they?

Where – are they?

How- can you reach them?

Explore whether you are near your potential customers and, if not, could you easily reach them through the power of the internet?

How difficult would it be to deliver your services & products to them?

And lastly, whether there is demand for your services & products?

The third step is to put your idea to the test.

In my case, after a bit of research, I created a small portfolio of my work and tried as a freelancer on Fiverr and Upwork as well as posted in Reddit groups about my offerings.

Fiverr did not accept me for some reason, I didn’t find anything worthwhile on Upwork, but I landed my first assignment from one of the Reddit groups for $5!

I think social media where everybody hangs out, is probably the best place to test your idea. Maybe you can provide your services for free to a few initial customers, get some good reviews, and then start charging.

In the case of physical products, you may offer something of lesser value for free and charge just the shipping and handling fee. Precisely, this is called tripwire. Once you get these customers in your funnel, they are more likely to transact or purchase from you.

Fourth Step: Turn your hobby into your hustle

Curate steps and a strategy to market and grow your side hustle.

Time management and keeping yourself motivated are two of the most important aspects once you finally start your Side Hustle.

In order to successfully continue with your hustle, you must find reasons to be motivated and balance your current occupation, & your social obligations while taking out ample time for managing your hustle.

Once you are organized, create some marketing materials, gather some testimonials, and if possible, get a website up and running (probably the best thing I did!), and get going.

How much does a side hustle make? what are the Highest-paying side hustles?

According to Insuranks’ survey on parttime employed and full-time employed Americans:

Also, as per a Survey conducted by the Automation Giant Zapier :

According to statistics:

Among side hustlers who earn over $1000 a month, the top 3 business models are:

  • Online Business
  • Freelancing / Consulting
  • Investing

Then came E-commerce, Local Services, Self-Publishing, Software, and Gig Economy.

Keep reading to understand the potential earnings of some unique side hustles.

What are the best side hustles for fast money in 2023?

Here’s a list of 19 Real Life Side Hustle Ideas for making some Fast Money. These are probably the most practical and best ways to make extra money from a side hustle in 2022.

Become a Notary Public

Who is a Notary Public?

A Notary Public is a person who serves as a witness to the signing of documents and is appointed by:

  • a government authority which can be a court or state government or
  • a regulatory body, such as a faculty of notaries public

Notaries earn income by way of charging fees for services rendered. Thus, despite being public officials, they do not receive any remuneration from the government.

What are the Duties of a Notary?

A Notary has to basically verify the genuineness of the legal documents and ensure that the parties signing the documents aren’t under any duress while they’re signing the paperwork. Thus, they create a trustworthy environment for parties to an agreement.

Do you need to be a Lawyer or a Paralegal?

Not necessarily. Requirements may differ according to the state you are operating (and as per the country). Go google “how to become a notary [state]” and you will find your state’s requirements.

In the United States, most states do not have any minimum educational requirements and in order to qualify as a Notary, you have to:

  • be over 18 years of age
  • be a resident of the specific state where you are licensed to operate
  • clear an online exam by paying a specific fee, usually $100 &
  • pass a background check

Who avails the services of a Notary?

In general, legal documents & contracts, for ex. property deeds, powers of attorney, loan papers, affidavits, sworn statements, deeds, and wills & trusts, etc. usually require the services of a Notary person to be considered authentic.

The notary verifies the genuineness of the parties signing the documents and ensures that the parties are of sound mind and are not under duress. They also prevent fraud in contracts & legal documents.

How much can a Notary Person make in Fee?

Each job takes approximately less than an hour to complete and, on average, a Notary person can earn $15 per notarized document. However, it varies greatly by region and even by zip code.

Taking Notary Side Hustle to the Next Level: Become a Notary Signing Agent (NSA)

A Notary Signing Agent (NSA) or a Loan Signing Agent (LSA) is a notary that gives a general description of what the closing documents are. They form an essential part of mortgage & loan closings and ensure the validity of the documents that are being signed as well as the parties signing them. In short, LSAs notarize real estate documents such as closings and refinances.

They guide the parties who are signing through the paperwork which averages from 6 to 200 pages on average.

A Notary Signing Agent or a Loan Signing Agent averages about $50 an hour.

In general, you can charge $50 to $100 (more experience = better-paying clients) and above to go to someone’s house and sign and stamp a document (that’s a mobile notary which involves traveling to the signer’s home with the paperwork).

How to Become a Notary Signing Agent?

After you are commissioned as a Notary Public in your state, you have to take a loan signing training course. Thereafter, you have to pass an exam and get background screening that is SPW compliant (a standard for Notary Services). then follow the following steps:

  • Join the National Notary Association
  • get E& O (Errors & Omissions) insurance which is highly recommended [at least $100,000 worth of coverage; protects you against mistakes and possible legal action]
  • Buy your Signing Agent supplies (dual-tray laser monochrome, paper, printer ink, etc.)
  • Go start working as a Notary Signing Agent.

You may try registering on sites like NotaryRotary (this is the go-to place for companies to find notaries when they need them) or sign up for other signing services that will text you all day long with work and you are good to go.

You can also register on platforms like CloseWise where, once you register, you would be able to get jobs from signing service companies.

Go a step ahead and build a website/blog along with the Google Business listing and get consistent signing work calls.

Is there more to being a Notary Person?

Yes. Once you become a Notary Person & LSA / NSA, you may also be able to get into Remote Online Notarization (Ron) after getting a RON certification from the National Notary Association & a criminal background check. Then you can work for a notary online platform (like, where you can easily average $25-$30 an hour. The best part is that you can do most of the notarizations at night and on weekends i.e., in your spare time. It takes much less involvement than being an LSA and moreover can be done from the comfort of your home. As of August 2022, 41 states in the USA have adopted permanent RON laws as compared to only four in 2021.

This can be a great side hustle, after all, everyone needs a document notarized at some point! Start locally and advertise your services to your current personal and professional networks.


In 2022, the Mortgage industry is in decline and hence Loan Signing Agents are not getting work. However, you can still make $$$ in general Notary work. Also, when the overall Mortgage industry improves, experienced LSAs will have a good say in the market. So, embrace yourself and be prepared.

Writing as a side hustle: Is Textbroker a good side hustle?

One of the best ways to start a side hustle to earn money fast is to utilize your already existing skills such as Writing.

Over the last 2 years, I have been writing for a bunch of websites as well as my own blog, and I’ve definitely learned quite a few things about pitching prospective clients and getting gigs.

But before you jump into this amazing side hustle, polish your writing skills. You can also try some tools available in the market to make your life easier and the best part is that most of them come with a free version.

But before you jump into this amazing side hustle, polish your writing skills. You can also try some tools available in the market to make your life easier and the best part is th

at most of them come with a free version.

H4: What are some tools to help in writing a good piece?

  • Grammarly which provides proofreading features is good for starters and if you want advanced features then Ginger, is a good tool.
  • Hemmingway (free version is fine for starting): It doesn’t provide proofreading features but rather helps streamline your writing style for ex. it highlights passive voice, overly complex sentences, etc.
  • For SEO stuff, the Internet is full of free guides. I have found Backlinko as the best go-to resource for learning all things SEO and the best part is that it gives immensely actionable tips.  

How to earn fast bucks through writing?

  • Sign up with some ghostwriting companies:

Ghostwriters are writers who get paid for writing under someone’s name i.e., they are not credited for their work and the written work is published under the name of the author.

There are many credible ghost-writing companies you can join such as ‘Write Right’, ‘Vox Ghostwriting’, ‘Book Writing Inc.’, ‘Ghostwriting LLC’ etc.

  • Write for Content Mills / Content Farm.

As per Wikipedia : “A content farm (or content mill) is a company that employs large numbers of freelance writers to generate a large amount of textual web content which is specifically designed to satisfy algorithms for maximal retrieval by automated search engines, known as SEO (search engine optimization)”

Content Mills such as Textbroker are mediators between writers and content clients, and you just need to be a US Citizen and over 18 years of age to write for Textbroker.

However, you will soon realize that content mills hugely take advantage of writers desperate for fast money.

Two basic problems with content mills are that they pay way too less and most of your content is probably ghost-written due to which you’ll never be able to build a portfolio.

So, what’s the right way to start Writing as your side hustle?

  • Pick a niche or two that you think can write for a long time.
  • Write some articles on – it’s free, simple to use, and can even make you money by joining the Medium Partner Program.

Where to find clients for Writing Services?

  • Once you have written some good pieces, that can showcase your writing prowess as well as SEO capabilities in that niche, you can use this as your portfolio to pitch clients (bloggers and publications) for your writing services.
  • There are many blogging FB groups where members post their requirements for writers. Also, many publications have a “Write for Us” section in their footer.

What are Even Better Ways to Use Writing as a Side Hustle:

  • Blogging is the Way: Remove the big dogs from the picture. Find your niche and write about it regularly, but not for others, but rather on your very own self-hosted website (no it’s not as difficult as you think!) Once you get traffic & followers, you can embed affiliate links for your niche and double down on ad revenue.
  • Substack Newsletter (2 months+ until $$):

As per Wikipedia “Substack is an American online platform that provides publishing, payment, analytics, and design infrastructure to support subscription newsletters”

  • First- Sign up for a Substack Account
  • Then – Pick a niche (and a topic under that niche) to focus on, and a content schedule. (ex. every Saturday)
  • After that start writing about current events or use Q&A sites such as Answerthepublic, PeopleAlsoAsk for content ideas.
  • Spread the word and get friends & family to subscribe
  • Once you reach the milestone of 1,000+ subscribers, you can monetize by upselling a percentage of your subscribers to a paid or premium subscription or else sell ad space in your newsletters.

A good alternative to Substack is Revue which was acquired by Twitter in early 2021. Revue is also an email newsletter service that focuses on content and monetization.

Building a Local Niche Content Site: Less Competition & High Earning Potential

This one is an offshoot of writing as a side hustle but involves some more skills like making a website and know-how of local SEO along with content writing.

If you are really interested in a reliable way of making a lot of $$$ a month from content writing as a side hustle then starting a local Niche Content Site is one of the best ways to go about it.

Here’s how it works:

  • Select a local industry that has small company sizes, and intense competition but high profit margins such as Legal, Financial, Fashion, Plastic surgery, etc.
  • Next, start a simple, functional website targeting your region of interest. Targeting can be done via SEO way or for faster results use FB or Google ads (if you are not familiar with running ads, there are hundreds of experts on Fill the website with regular content (reviews, term clarifications, service comparisons, etc. Start with at least 10 to 15 content pieces on the first day and then ensure to add a minimum of one piece of new content every week (the more the merrier), however, make it relevant to the specific chosen industry.
  • Then, just add a link at the bottom of the website which shall allow for solicitation. Don’t put your rates here yet. There will be Clients who may contact you to get their product/service listed on your site. Besides, you can sell featured spots and ad placements.

Virtual Assistant Jobs: How do I become a virtual assistant? 

Who is a virtual assistant?

As the name suggests, the Virtual Assistant is apparently an assistant whose actual presence is absolutely not necessary. Thanks to the internet and laptop, you can work as a virtual assistant flexibly and regardless of location- from the comfort of your home, in the café, in coworking spaces, or on the beach!

What exactly does a virtual assistant do and for Whom?

The scope for virtual assistants is very broad and it depends on your individual strengths and which tasks you can and want to take on for your clients.

The clients of virtual assistants are usually entrepreneurs or companies who can outsource certain work which enables them to concentrate on their core competencies. Virtual assistants are also a great way to reduce costs as compared to permanent employees, as virtual assistants are paid only for specific work. They also save vacation claims or claims for illnesses. In addition, infrastructure cost like maintaining an office is saved.

Working as a virtual assistant ranges from simple activities that can be started without much expertise, such as:

  • Data and report analysis activities
  • Appointments and travel planning
  • Creation of templates/presentations
  • Arrange appointments with doctors, craftsmen, or tax advisors,
  • Managing memories of important events such as birthdays or wedding day and ordering suitable gifts
  • Managing new and existing customers
  • Processing complaints

Virtual Assistants also do specialized works that require particularly subject-specific knowledge, such as:

  • Social media marketing
  • Writing Blog Posts and Newsletters
  • Content Creation for social networks
  • SEO Tasks
  • Creating Graphic design
  • Web design/website maintenance
  • IT – services
  • Copywriting
  • Translations / Correction
  • YouTube and Podcast Transcription

In short, everything that is permitted by the use of digital communication – and IT regardless of physical presence can theoretically be taken over by a Virtual Assistant.

What is the Earning Potential?

The average hourly rate for a VA varies from $15 to $50 depending on what you are being asked for.

What do you need to be a VA?

A computer with a good Internet Connection along with  Text processors like Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

How can you get started as a VA?

You can use the following websites to find work as a Virtual Assistant from almost anywhere in the world:







There are some platforms that are exclusively for US-based Virtual Assistants:

Belay Solutions



Besides, if your expertise lies in content creation, creating a writing portfolio using Wix, Weebly, or WordPress websites to show your work can also help advertise your services and get work.

Here are a few tips and tricks for becoming a good Virtual Assistant: 

  • List down to monitor all your tasks and deadlines. Free tools like Asana taskade & freedcamp can help you. 
  • Under-promise and Over-deliver. Don’t accept tasks that you can’t deliver, or else you will have a bad reputation. 
  • Try and get as many testimonials and recommendations as possible while working with your clients as it will increase your reputation and help you to acquire more customers. And the best way to do this is to ask your friends or family for work. Charge them a lower price in the beginning, but it’s worth it in the long run.

What are good side jobs for teachers?

According to the site Globe News Wire :

Tutoring as side hustle to earn fast money

This is by far the most rewarding side hustle in terms of satisfaction and to a great extent well paid one also.

Tutoring or Teaching is a very broad category and refers to a number of possibilities such as Academics, Music (teaching a particular instrument), Fitness (teaching yoga or other kinds of fitness), and many others.

It all boils down to what you teach and your level of expertise.

Selling tutoring services can be an excellent secondary hustle or a full-time business. Typical earnings range from $ 15 all the way to $ 200 per hour for specialized services such as teaching the ACT/SAT or any other type of admissions test. 

How to start a tutoring side hustle?

The first step is to choose your niche (expertise).

What is one thing that comes to you naturally? Are you proficient at a language or Playing Chess is your forte?

Choosing something that you are good at will not only allow you to focus your energy and become an expert in your field but also help you build your reputation much faster as people praise quality work!

Here are some examples to help you visualize:

  • Niches by age range: Students of Elementary school/ High school / University students or Adults
  • Niches by subject: Mathematics / English/ Science
  • Niches for Specialized Services: Preparation for the exam / Personal finance / Technology

You will also want to decide Where will you be teaching?

Here are some different types of tutoring:

  • Home-based tutoring business: You can offer tutoring from your own home. Ensure that you have a distraction-free location that is conducive to learning.
  • Office-based tutoring business: You can open a small office to tutor students. This may be a better option as your new business grows and you have multiple clients.
  • Flexible location tutoring business: Many tutors will go to a client’s house to offer tutoring services. This is often the most convenient option for all clients.
  • Online tutoring business: I personally love this option. Online tutoring has the highest potential as a side hustle. Not only it break the physical barrier but also gives you the freedom of time.

Online Tutoring can be done via Zoom or Skype. Online tutoring companies are ideal when it comes to reaching a global audience (versus local clients).

You can sign up for teaching on websites such as Tutorme, Preply,, Preply, and Varsitytutors.

You can start by advertising your tutoring or coaching services on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, college Facebook groups, or even websites like Preply (if you prefer to go virtual).

There are three specific sub niches under tutoring side hustle which are specifically evergreen and have a lot of potential.

Language tutoring as a side business?

Teaching foreign languages online is one of the best side hustles for teachers out there. If you are a language expert, you have plenty of work options to choose from.

While students mostly prefer face-to-face online classes, there is also the option to teach via chat.

 Tutoring language, such as English, through Chat messaging, is particularly helpful for students who need to write essays, send emails, fill up documents, and make formal proposals.

You can find language tutoring opportunities on many platforms such as:

English Language tutoring as a side business?

Under language tutoring, teaching English has the highest potential for earning some good bucks.

If you are pretty good at written & verbal, then you will be spoilt with options, and on average, you can earn $20 to $40 per hour for tutoring English to global students.

What Certification(s) do you need to Teach English?

Most of the platforms need to have TESOL / TEFL / TESL or an equivalent certificate to be able to teach English.

A TESOL certification from The International Open Academy is a 120-hour online course and costs just $19.

EFSET certification is a free option that most platforms accept as well.

Here are some reliable and trusted websites to teach English:

Italki : They have over 2 million registered students learning more than 75 languages. Over 3,000 teachers are registered on this platform. When you teach on Italki, you earn credits (1 credit = $1 USD) and it supports payment methods such as Paypal, Payoneer, Skrill, Alipay, and Bank transfer.

Verbal Planet: It is another popular online platform for teaching English (and other languages as well).  You need to create your profile on this platform to be listed in their teacher’s directory and then you can set your own price for your services. Skype is the main software for teaching on VerbalPlanet.

The more positive feedback/feedback ratings you have on this platform, the more students you can have.

One demerit of VerbalPlanet is that they pay only through PayPal.

Cambly : It is an Android and iOS-based mobile application that helps students with English tuition from worldwide tutors. Tutors teach their students directly from their mobile Cambly interface. Teachers can create their own lessons and take classes free and from any corner of the world. Tutors are paid roughly $ 10.20 per hour. 

Like VerbalPlanet, Cambly also pays tutors only through Paypal, and payments are made every Monday.

 VIPKID : This is perhaps the most famous website for worldwide students as well as teachers to learn & teach English.

VIPKIDS is a Chinese company that hires and pays English tutors to teach their natives on a one-on-one basis. 

It has a structured hiring process as below to be able to join them as an English Teacher:

  • create an account and enter your personal reviews
  • prepare your introduction video in English.
  • take an aptitude test
  • do a preliminary auto IT test to test your PC and internet connection

Once you are selected, you have to pass a trial period, during which, you can tutor students and make money.

Based on your experience and interview, you get paid USD 14-22 per hour. Also, the hours are 8:30 AM – 10 PM BJT, so you need to consider your time zone too to decide whether it will work for you. Alternatively, you can teach on weekends (basically when the kids are not at school) and yes summer is great for work!

VIPKIDS pays their Teachers via Bank Deposit which is done between the 10th and 15th of every month.

Other good alternatives are:

  • Preply
  • Lingoda
  • Verbling
  • iTutorGroup
  • Circle time
  • Outschool
  • Juni learning

Maths tutoring as a side business? : is a very reputable online learning platform that uses video lessons to make education engaging. You need to write clear, step-by-step, and detailed answers to a database of thousands of questions submitted by the users.

It provides an excellent opportunity to help students online as high school maths experts.

What makes this deal sweeter is that your work will almost always undergo a review before it finally gets delivered to the students who asked the question. Thus, you need not worry about any shortcomings in your answer.

However, to work with them you need to be really good at school-level math.

You will receive the payments bi-monthly but without any delays. : Preply has some tutoring jobs that pay up to $50 per hour depending on your skill and experience. Just create your tutor profile on their platform and apply for the jobs that suit you. There’s a list of such jobs and you need to write a short proposal to apply for them. : This is enormously popular and its user-friendly interface allows you to directly start teaching without the hassle of the technicalities on the platform’s interface. Moreover, the hours are accumulated and paid out every month.

However, to get started you are required to complete a Math proficiency and Teaching exam – which can be done with little effort if you are really inclined to teach maths to kids! After that, just set up your tutoring profile and decide your availability. Rest will follow. supports subjects like Math, Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, and Probability.

Payments are made monthly via PayPal and Direct Deposit.

In case, you don’t have both options in your country, simply create a Payoneer account and you can receive your Direct Deposit payments directly to your bank account.

PhotoMath: It is among the top 5 educational apps on both the Google Play Store and App Store. Here at Photomath, as a Math Content Contributor, you can contribute to creating high-quality mathematical content for all ages.

Each math problem, which you receive for contribution, has a predefined compensation which is based on its complexity. Your payment depends on the number of math problems you solve and review, and also how long you spent solving the chosen task.

One of their features focuses on providing complete textbook solutions, including word problems.

Math lovers can earn up to $100 a week to help solve students’ math queries. One of the most well-known online tutoring websites, is for advanced experts. First, you download the app and then apply for a position to answer the questions/problems submitted by the students. Payments are monthly and based on your contributions, which usually range around $20 per hour.

Other good alternatives are:

  1. Eduboard – It provides expert tutoring for over 30 different subjects (including maths, physics, and chemistry).
  2. School Solver – It’s a homework and assignment helping platform where you earn by solving homework questions posted by students.
  3. Growing Stars – It’s a one-on-one tutoring platform for grades 3 to 12.
  4. OneClass – You get paid for helping students with their homework, plus you can also be compensated if you share your study notes with students from other universities who are taking the same courses as you.

Taking tutoring to the next level:

If you are a seasoned teacher then you can create curriculums for students in a particular niche and sell them online through platforms such as Teacherspayteachers. This will let you generate passive income which will not be dependent on

hours of work = XX $ of income.

For some other exciting passive income ideas read this Definitive Guide on Passive Income.

Start Flipping: Buy Low, Sell High and Keep the Profit

Flipping, simply put, is buying things really cheap and then reselling these items at a higher price and keeping the difference as profit.

What Items to Flip? Literally, anything you can lay your hands on and sell for a profit!

You can flip from books to cars to houses. Here’s a list of the best items that you can flip for a good profit:

  • Apparel
  • Cameras
  • Smartphones, Tablets, Tech Accessories
  • Exercise Equipment
  • Household Appliances
  • Used Books
  • Designer Bags
  • Vintage Jewellery
  • Furniture
  • Sneakers
  • Video Games, DVDs, and blue-ray Discs
  • Baby Gear
  • Vehicles
  • Musical Instruments
  • Power Tools and Yard Equipment
  • Art (sculptures, paintings, decor)

What are the best places to source Used Items for Flipping?

Clearance sections at places like:

  • Walmart,
  • Goodwill,
  • Salvation Army
  • Google local auction websites

And places like:

  • Thrift Stores
  • Garage Sales,
  • Flea Markets

So, once you source the items to flip, you can sell them in the following places at a profit:

General Marketplaces for Flipping Items Online:

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

Designed for individual sellers needing third-party support from Amazon. You can use it as a means to sell your used items online. 

Underneath the description of most product pages on Amazon, you will find a small link – “New & Used from $ 90 + FREE shipping.” When you click the link, you will find all the used listings that are submitted by sellers and fulfilled by Amazon. 

To get listed in these spots: 

  • create an Amazon FBA account,
  • accumulate & box your used items to flip,
  • box them, and document each item in the box with its UPC, ISBN, or ASIN.
  • Follow Amazon’s prompts for shipping.
  • You have to pay a fee for fulfilling, listing, and providing customer support on your items on Amazon. 

Here, make sure whatever item you are selling is worth more than $10-20, or else you may lose money in the process (different fees and charges). 

For lesser-value items, local platforms like Facebook Marketplace or eBay are better choices.


Etsy has a thriving storefront for vintage items. However, the bar for quality is high. Etsy considers vintage items to be at least 20 years or older. 

Thus, Etsy may be a lucrative marketplace for vintage:

  • Musical instruments
  • Art (sculptures, paintings & decor)
  • Furniture
  • Collectibles (cards or figurines)
  • Books or magazines
  • Clothes etc.

Etsy charges $0.20 per item as a listing fee and a fixed 3.5% commission on all items that are sold on its platform.


This is arguably the best site for Flipping Items.

Listing items on eBay is quite easy. Just snap a few pictures with your smartphone, answer some prompts, and within 5 minutes your item is online for sale.

Expect around 10% of the final sale price as an eBay fee (pre-taxes).

As you scale up your selling, eBay fee also starts scaling up.

Listing more than 50 items per month attracts a fee of 30 cents per listing.


This positions itself as an Amazon and Etsy alternative. 

As compared to Amazon & Etsy, Bonanza offers more control over storefronts and even allows the generation of customer lists for remarketing purposes. 

It charges 3.5% of your item’s final sale price which includes shipping). For items priced over $500, the fee is reduced to 1.5%. You can also opt for their Advertising Program at a cost and they will platform your listing on the web using ads.

Local Online Marketplaces for Flipping

These are ideal for sellers who don’t want to deal with processing, shipping, and tracking their stuff. 


It’s probably still the most deregulated marketplace on the internet.

On Craigslist, you cannot manage a full-on used item storefront.

However, it’s ideal for making a quick buck on a few items here and there.


It is a slightly more organized and regulated version of Craigslist.

Like Craiglist, it is not meant to host large-scale used item enterprises like eBay or Etsy, but it is an excellent choice for small-scale sales of used items.

Facebook Marketplace is very convenient and the storefront is integrated into the Facebook app itself.

It is an excellent choice if you don’t want the hassle with marketplace regulations and want to keep your sales local.  


It is another option that in contrast to Craigslist, features a clean, modern user interface.

It implements user profiles and a rating system which, to some extent, solves the problem of scammers and shady characters.

As with Craigslist, it’s all local and all free. Hence you have to coordinate the sale and delivery of your item and answer queries from the buyer. 

 Then there are Speciality Online Marketplaces like (specialized marketplace for all types of musical gear and equipment), Decluttr (a marketplace to buy and sell quality refurbished tech items like cell phones, cameras, computers, DVDs, Blu-rays, and LEGOs), and BookScouter & Bookstores  (specialized marketplace for books that helps you sell textbooks and used books for the best price by comparing offers from over 30 book buyback providers).

In my personal opinion, when you are starting up, the best places to sell flappable items are usually Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist as they are generally in-person sales. So, the buyer can come to your home or a nearby location and then you can hand over the goods in exchange for cash. This saves the shipping cost.

In order to get you inspired, here’s a whole subreddit devoted to Flipping where you can get tons of ideas and advice- r/Flipping. Here you will get a lot of real-life ideas for flipping as well as interesting flipping stories to get ideas.

Become A Tasker at TaskRabbit

If you enjoy the outdoors and want to make some quick side money this hustle is worth checking out. As a tasker, you offer your services on an online marketplace for tasks and services.

What are the tasks you can do? Tasks are of varied nature, such as:

  • cleaning up after parties
  • moving furniture,
  • furniture assembly
  • doing home repairs,
  • doing yard work
  • planning birthday parties,
  • wrapping gifts,
  • decoration installer for Christmas or Halloween
  • waiting in line for concert tickets
  • even helping someone in an emergency situation

For offering these services, taskers are paid an hourly rate. As a tasker, you can set your own rates. Also, you can complete tasks at your convenience and scale the work to suit your needs. For example, if you’re saving some money for an iPhone, you may take up more tasks until you achieve your target, then take a break.

To start as a Tasker, you need your application form with your skills, talents, and interests and the website will assign you tasks that match your skills to what people are searching for online.

You will also need to pass a security or police background check due to the obvious nature of the jobs.

As a Tasker you can have lots of jobs if you live in a metropolitan area and most of them pay well. You can work when you want and there is no shortage of such jobs.

As a Tasker, you can have lots of jobs if you live in a metropolitan area and most of them pay well. You can work when you want and there is no shortage of such jobs.

How much a tasker earns? 

On average, Taskers can earn $18-30 per hour. Some tasks pay even higher such as cleaning and assembling furniture pay between $25 and $75 per hour. Easier and more straightforward tasks such as waiting in a line pay a lesser amount.  However, it depends on your skill set, location, and the type of jobs available to you. Say for example, as a cleaner in the Orlando, FL area, you can charge $20 to $40 per hour, while as a painter in the same area, you can charge $100 to $200 per hour to paint one bedroom.

What are the best platforms/sites to get tasks?

Amongst the above, TaskRabbit is the most well-known and trustworthy platform for taskers.

In 2017, TaskRabbit was acquired by Ikea Group, which is the parent company behind the Ikea store.

This is the reason, the most common task on TaskRabbit is assembling Ikea furniture.

TaskRabbit operates in over 30 US states and seven other countries.

To earn money as a Tasker in the US, you need to be over 18 years of age, have a valid Social Security number, provide information to undergo background check such as your driver’s license, have an active checking account & a valid credit card and obviously, own a smartphone. Also, in order to sign up as a Tasker, you need to pay a one-time, non-refundable registration fee of $25 which needs to be paid via credit card. But, beyond this, you don’t have to pay any kind of fees from your earnings to TaskRabbit.

How to become a better Tasker to earn more?

  • In order to get the best job in the market, treat filling your profile like your resume and fill in the detailed information (your skills/talents, availability, website, social media, etc.).  
  • Initially, when you are starting out, keep your focus on gaining good reviews by focusing on the quality of work rather than quantity. This will help you in becoming an elite/algorithm-recommended Tasker, which in turn will help you get higher-paying jobs. In order to get good reviews- be professional in your appearance, behave in a friendly & polite manner, be punctual, and do the best work possible.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for a detailed review after completing a task. 
  • Try scheduling and lining up tasks in order to avoid double booking for jobs or being out of tasks. Free tools like Trello & Asana can be a good help. 

Besides, though TaskRabbit has been around for quite a while, do exercise due caution as a Tasker as the job entitles going into strangers’ homes. You may let a friend or relative know about your location details of the task beforehand, and text them when you are back. In case of any uncomfortable vibe at a client’s location, simply leave and contact TaskRabbit’s Tasker Support team.

DoorDashing: Start Delivering Food or Groceries

If you have got a few free hours, and a vehicle, and know your neighborhood well, food delivery and delivering groceries can be a lucrative side hustle. It is very simple to get started. In most cases, you just need to sign up as a delivery driver and start fulfilling the orders on the app. 

You can sign up with one or more of the below apps to start delivering:

  • For Grocery delivery, Instacart & Shipt are the best knowns
  • For Food delivery, DoorDash is the best while Grubhub and Uber Eats are good substitutes.

How much can you earn as a delivery driver?

On average, the potential earnings vary by the platform you are using, but on average an experienced delivery driver can easily make between $12 and $25 per hour plus you get to keep 100% of any tips you get.

Recently we spoke to a couple of readers who have been driving for DoorDash for quite  a time, and below are some tips they suggested to make the best out of the DoorDash side hustle:

With DoorDash, you are completely in charge of your time and schedule. It is really good money if you learn how to make it work for you. Initially, you may not see much profit but you usually improve much more after a few trips.

You will see a healthy profit even after gas fees, taxes, and dealing with wear and tear once you learn:

  • to read the App better
  • the city more thoroughly
  • which times you made the most money
  • the areas to go to
  • which restaurants to avoid
  • which orders to accept/reject
  • times to stay away from

The best way to maximize profits is to sign up for more than one app such as Doordash, Ubereats, and Grubhub, and keep them on together at the same time and cherry-pick the highest paying orders only. Also, this helps if any of these apps are slow because other apps serve as backups.

In the end, it all depends on your area/region. You should be willing to travel to a more populated area. Weekends are better with better traffic.

DoorDashing is much more profitable if you own an electric car as it costs less to maintain and fuel up.

An even better opportunity is delivering Packages through AmazonFlex.

In this, you have to deliver packages that are ordered by online shoppers, PrimeNow & Amazon Fresh orders. This side hustle pays a bit better than delivering food or groceries and partners who are working with AmazonFlex can earn between $18 to $25 an hour.

Besides you can also sign up with Postmates, you have multiple options to deliver other than groceries like retail goods, clothing, and other things available through Postmates in your area.

Freelancing your expertise on Upwork or Fiverr

Fiverr & Upwork are marketplaces that connect freelancers with a range of skills to customers from all over the world. 

freelancing as side hustle to earn fast money

Source: Upwork

Some of the in-demand services on these sites are:

  • Web Programming
  • Web Design
  • Social Media Marketing
  • WordPress
  • Graphic design
  • Data entry
  • Customer Service
  • Customer Support
  • Email Communication
  • Online Chat Support
  • Answering Product Questions
  • Administrative Support

So precisely, there’s something for all – newbie to experts.

Fiverr is one of the most popular platforms for freelancers. Here, you as a freelancer, post your price, and clients/ businesses choose the one that fits their budget.

As your ratings as a freelancer increases, you make more profit and so delivering high-quality work will land you with more gigs.

On Fiverr, people are already searching to buy and the website itself does the advertising for you.

In order to be a successful freelancer on Fiverr:

  • Invest some time in making your profile stand out with your work portfolio. Getting more & more good reviews from your clients will keep you miles ahead of the competition. 
  • Check out the Fiverr Help & Education Center for details on how the top sellers are getting gigs.
  • In order to deliver quality and timely work and avoid doing reviews, get maximum information on job details from the clients. This will keep them happy and happy clients post good reviews.

How much can you earn on Fiverr?

The sky is the limit- literally. People are willing to pay an insane amount of fees to hire a good freelancer as it is a win-win situation for both.

After you become familiar with the platform and style of working, an odd $500 to $1000 a month is well within your reach.

However, Fiverr, at times, seems to be pretty saturated plus it takes a good chunk of your earnings (approximately 20%) as commission.

Here are the best 3 alternatives to Fiverr:

Upwork: Here in contrast to Fiverr, Businesses/ clients post their job requirements and freelancers post their bids.

PeoplePerHour: It is the closest substitute to Fiverr. One of the biggest advantages here is that the platform locks the clients ’deposits before you start the gig, and so you as a freelancer are guaranteed payment.

Freelancer: It lives up to its name and serves as a central place for clients and freelancers to meet. Time-tracking is one of the most differentiating factors in the Freelancer business model. Here, you are accountable for all your workable hours with the desktop app that monitors your work. Thus, this is a much better option for those who love the hourly pay option rather than a fixed price, not to mention the stable source of traffic from eager clients.

Make Money as a Babysitter

If you are comfortable with kids, babysitting/nannying is a very lucrative side hustle, especially for females and college students.

As per data from UrbanSitter as reported by Axios (Babysitting rates skyrocket ( ), on average, hourly pay for a babysitter is $20.57 for one kid, $23.25 for two kids and $24.35 for three. However, it may vary as per the area.

Here are the most expensive cities for Babysitting:

Baby Sitting as Side Hustle to earn fast money


The best part of this side hustle is that in order to earn, you don’t need any extra qualifications except for a little bit of babysitting experience. You don’t need to be professional. In order to make you look credible, put on your profile what you watched kids say through your local church and for your cousins, etc.

If you are CPR certified and can perform CPR, if needed, then it will be like the cherry on the cake. If not, there are online quick CPR programs that can get you certified for $15. 

One of the best sites to get hired as a babysitter is Sittercity. To start working with Sittercity, you need to create your approved profile, submit your photo, and pass a background check.  On Sittercity, parents create free job postings and you can apply to any of these which suits you.

If you are lucky enough you will earn $20 an hour to just sit on the client’s couch and watch their baby while literally watching Netflix and ordering food while the baby sleeps most of the hours!

An alternative to Sittercity is

Besides you can search on Facebook groups in your town where most of the time, busy moms post when they are looking for a sitter. Alternatively, you can drop make a post on their group town page and moms can hire you from there.

Go Airbnb way: Rent Out Your Home (or Part of It)

This is a very good source of side income, especially if you have:

  • an Apartment / House where you don’t live or if you travel frequently
  • a Vacation Home
  • even an extra Spare Room, a Loft or Camping Space, or some other place where guests can stay

you can easily earn some good side hustle money by listing it on online platforms like Airbnb for renting to people looking for an alternative to hotel rooms.

How much you can make out of this rental business side hustle can vary dramatically. It depends on the quality & location of your rental property, how often you rent it out, and the services you provide.

To give you an idea, according to a research by low-interest lender Earnest, an Airbnb host, on average, easily makes about $924 a month.

Other alternatives to Airbnb are HomeAway & Vrbo.

A word of caution: Do a double-check on the laws and regulations for short-term rentals in the area where your property is located. This may save you a legal headache down the road!

Opening an Interest-Bearing Account in Cryptocurrency

Many people, due to a lack of understanding & awareness think that Cryptocurrencies are a ponzi or get-rich overnight scheme.

However, Cryptocurrency is a sunrise industry and is bound to become a substantial source of side income or even full-time income in the near future.

One of the easiest and quickest ways of making a side income with cryptocurrencies is by opening an interest-bearing account.

As compared to half a percent interest rate that you earn in a normal bank deposit account, in the case of cryptocurrencies, you can earn up to 11% interest rates. Crypto service providers that offer such products include BlockFi, Celsius, NexoNetwork, etc.

For example, Celsius pays up to 8% on Bitcoin, 7% on Ethereum, and nearly 11% USDC.

Putting your savings into crypto can still be very intimidating for beginners as besides extreme volatility, there is no FDIC insurance.

This issue of lack of trust is solved by some good exchanges such as Gemini which are heavily regulated by the NY State Department of Financial Services and industry-leading security on your account.

Along with the benefit of a higher interest rate from an interest-bearing account with cryptocurrencies, you can double down on the fact that the value of the underlying cryptocurrency (good ones of course!) may also appreciate substantially in the long term.

You must be wondering: In contrast to your regular banks, how are these crypto banks able to pay out such high interest rates?

Both of these banks promise a fixed rate of interest on your deposits and lend your money to retail and institutional investors at a higher interest rate while you profit from the difference.

With cryptocurrencies, middlemen & expenses are minimized to the lowest level as compared with lending fiat currencies. This allows passing on the benefits to the end user. 

And precisely, that’s why something called Stable coins pays even more than the rest because there is a universal demand for a Stable coin which is pegged one to one to the USD or another fiat currency. Also, they are a lot less volatile. 

Stablecoins are essentially Cryptocurrencies where prices are pegged to fiat money, cryptocurrency, or an exchange-traded commodity.

Stock Photography: Side Income by Selling Photos on the Internet

Modern-day mobiles have almost replaced cameras for day-to-day photography in every home.

Is also very likely that, inside your mobile and computer, you have several high-quality photos. It is also a fact that those photos have never seen the light of day, beyond a social network, and that they could be generating some good side income for you.

Selling photos over the Internet is actually a pretty straightforward process and does not require much technical knowledge.


Basically, the sale of photographs online is the so-called “microstock” or through image banks (stock photographs).

A few years ago, a company or agency used to hire a professional photographer or pay a specialized company to search their catalogs for certain photographs required for a campaign or presentation.

Presently, due to several microstock agencies that exist today, a photographer like you may sell your photographs to several target audiences such as a large company, bloggers, etc.

The secret of this side hustle is selling tons of your photos at a very low price & and on many platforms (agencies) rather than selling a few photographs at a high price.

You should select 4 or 5 agencies/platforms with which you can work comfortably, at least initially.

Here’s a list of the best microstock agencies for you to choose from. All of these are very reputed and reliable platforms that are trusted by millions of people to buy and sell stock photos.

  • Adobe Stock
  • Getty Images
  • Shutterstock
  • Dreamstime
  • 123RF
  • Depositphotos
  • Photolia
  • Istockphoto

If you are able to produce/capture the type of photographs that are most in demand and publish them on the right platforms, there’s a high possibility that they will sell themselves and make you some serious side income. These platforms share a percentage of the profits, in most cases, between 20 and 50%. 


Here’s a nifty little list of the most demanded themes that sell very well and shall serve as a guide to the type of photos you should produce:

  • Baby Pictures
  • People: Photographs of people working, performing a particular trade or in groups and families.
  • Music: Put your imagination to work and capture a lot of situations where the music manifests such as dances, concerts, headphones, etc.
  • Flowers: This is one of the most sought-after words in Microstock agencies.
  • Backgrounds and Textures: These are quite popular as they can be used for campaigns, presentations, advertisements, etc.
  • Professionals: All kinds of business, industry, health, medicine, and technology photographs, whether general or more specific, are very sought after.
  • Sustainability: In recent years, nature photographs that allude to sustainability, recycling, and are associated with the concept of “green life” and sustainable development, have been very successful in recent years.
  • Events: Photographs of places, parties, Christmas celebrations, Halloween, Easter, etc., also generate good sales.
  • Food: There is a great demand for photographs portraying food and food, whether processed foods or raw materials.

You need to find out, investigate, and search about which types of photographs sell the most.

Also, consult the list of words that are most sought after by customers in sales agencies. Some examples of such words are:

  • Music (Music)
  • Women (Woman)
  • Babies (Baby )
  • Flowers (Flowers)
  • People (from families, presenting a trade or performing any action)
  • Medicine (Medical)
  • Vectors (Vector)
  • Travel (Travel)
  • Nature (Nature)
  • Tattoos (Tattoo)
  • Festivities like Christmas, Halloween … (Christmas, Halloween … )
  • Backgrounds (Backgrounds)
  • Business (Business)
  • Technology (Technology)

What Happens to Your Photos Once You Sell Them On The Internet? Are They Still Yours?

While selling your photograph, you will only give up the usage rights for that image for publication (depending on the rights and conditions of each agency).

However, under no circumstances will the photos cease to belong to you, you can continue selling them, using them, or stop doing it whenever you want. Copyright is not transferable you can rest easy.

Create and Sell NFTs

NFTs are Non-fungible Tokens, a digital, unique, non-reproducible work. They have primarily revolutionized the art market since 2021. 

You can buy, sell and a large number of NFT collections of digital artworks on platforms such as OpenSea.

Besides, sites like offer a protocol where NFT owners can rent their NFTs to someone else for a set period of time and price with the assurance of getting back their assets.

You might wonder why would someone rent an NFT. There can be several reasons. For example, the case is just like people rent a Lamborghini for a day to show off to their friends. Besides, there is the possibility of renting out gaming NFTs to different players as a way to level up their character.

Plus, there is also the chance to earn NFT royalties, when it changes hands in the secondary market.

In order to have a clear understanding on NFTs and to know 7 real ways to make money from NFTs, Read Here.

5 more ways to make money from Side Hustle:

There are many other Side Hustles for making money that fall more under the side of Passive Income Ideas Category. Most of these may be better classified as Passive Income Ideas. These require a lot of upfront time but once set up may yield regular income with less regular attention.

However, these options, when exercised with limited efforts resulting in limited outcomes, may be treated as Side Hustles where you trade your working hours with income i.e., no. of hours of work = XX $$ of income.

Here are 5 more such Side Hustle ideas:

Starting A YouTube Channel

Today video is the most popular way of consuming content in any field you can think of. And, as per Pew Research amongst US Adults, YouTube is the most used social media platform.

Starting a YouTube Channel is quite easy to get started. Opening a YouTube account is free, and recording videos of decent quality is quite easy on most modern smartphones.

However, monetizing a YouTube channel requires a lot of effort and time. For being accepted into the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), it requires a milestone of at least 1000 subscribers & 4000 watch hours.

However, when we talk about starting a YouTube channel as a side hustle, you can make $$$ a lot before the above milestones.

This is possible by incorporating affiliate offers in the YouTube video description and marketing tour channel content to relevant and targeted audiences like on Quora and forums related to your niche. If you do this in the right way you can easily earn a sizeable amount of side income by working 4 – 5 hours a week.

Also, there is something called Cash Cow YouTube Channel where you don’t need to film yourself to make money on YouTube. Here’s an interesting video from VideoSideHustle channel to watch for inspiration:

If you stick to producing targeted content that your target audience finds useful be consistent in posting content on your channel, your life will change in ways you can’t imagine. Successful creators have options to earn money from ads, sponsorships, affiliate ads, and sales of their own products & more. 

This one side hustle has immense potential to turn your hobby into a full-time income source.

Start a Blog

This is unarguably our favorite side hustle idea and like starting a YouTube Channel has the potential to become a full-time income source if you are consistent and passionate.

One of the best things about blogging is that you can blog pretty much anything. 

You can blog about pretty much any topic but ensure that your blog is on a topic that you are passionate about, and helps your target audience solve a problem.

As a blogger, the biggest tip that we can give is to Invest in a Blogging Course, not necessarily a pricy one. There are many cheap ones available on Once you start earning from your blog, you can invest in better courses.

So how will this help? 

This will help you from wasting months and months of time reinventing the wheel. It will also give you a head start in your blogging journey by helping you avoid silly mistakes. 

This will further help you to monetize your blog much earlier.

Precisely, this is what I have done with my blog Besides, if you have starting capital but no time to build your own blog, you can buy a ready-made one and just fill it with fresh content regularly.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is arguably the most popular way to make side income today.

It’s simply promoting somebody else’s products or services in exchange for a commission. 

For example, you write a review about the best washing machines or best Tuition Services, and you link it to the merchant’s site. When the visitors click this link and buy your recommended product or service, you will earn a commission.

Such marketing is quite popular on platforms like YouTube or Instagram where content creators join an online store and recommend their products to their followers.

Affiliate marketing can be a great source of passive income. However, due to certain bad online practices, it has also acquired a bad name.

As a diligent practice, ensure that the product or service you offer is of good quality. Also, ensure that they are relevant to your content & your audience. Your goal should be to offer real added value to your audience, not to trap them.

In order to start with affiliate marketing, you need an affiliate product or service to promote and a platform to promote the affiliate product or service (a Blog, YouTube channel, Instagram account, Facebook account, etc.).

In order to access an affiliate product or service you have numerous options. Usually, large companies such as Amazon or AliExpress, have an affiliate program and enlist a large number of people. You must join this program to start generating income.

There are options where affiliate commissions can be earned on the basis of Cost Per Action (CPA).  For ex., per sign-up is where when the referred person completes a form, the commission is generated.

Now, affiliate marketing depends on how many target audiences reach your affiliate link through your chosen platform.

Reaching your target audience organically (through SEO etc.) is a slow and tedious method and also, and scaling is pretty tough. 

However, advertisements such as Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Native Ads, Quora ads, etc. make the process fast, reliable & scalable.

Create and Sell Digital Products

If you have an existing skill set & knowledge for which there’s a demand, creating a digital product and selling it online is one of the most lucrative and relatively easy side hustles.

For example, there’s a guy named Kyle Pew who sells a course on Microsoft Excel on the Udemy platform for $45 each. He has over 900,000 students and over 270,000 ratings. Even taking no. of ratings as sales, he would have earned over a million dollars!   incredible?

Besides virtual courses, you can create and sell e-books, How-To-Videos, Digital Art, Printables like Planners, and many more.

So go ahead, use your expertise & experience on a topic of your interest, create a digital product and leverage the power of the internet to earn some side income.

Here are two important tips to be successful:

hyper-specialize in very specific target customers as this will reduce the number of direct competitors.

– if your product or service solves a specific pain point, you have the opportunity to sell it on several platforms such as Etsy, amazon, Udemy, social media channels e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, personal websites, Shopify stores & so on.

Print on Demand Business (POD)

This side hustle idea can be very fruitful if you have a background in graphic design or are passionate about design and want to share your artwork with the world.

You must be familiar with Dropshipping where you create an e-commerce store and offer the sale of products of certain suppliers & manufacturers with whom you will work as an associate.

You need not be an expert designer for this. As long as you have creative ideas and can make some basic artwork, you can start with this side hustle. 

You can sell your designs on merchandise such as t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, hats, etc. directly to the customers. 

Once a customer likes your designed merchandise and makes a purchase, the order is sent to a fulfillment company that prints and ships the order directly to the customer on your behalf, but without involving you.

Thus, Print on Demand Business is similar to Dropshipping where you don’t need stock or inventory for selling online. 

Once a sale is fulfilled and the return period is over, Print on Demand platforms will pay you an agreed commission.

What’s more- the fulfillment companies also handle returns and payments. 

Arguably, one of the best Print-On-Demand sites with end-to-end solutions is RedBubble. Other great options are Teespring , Printful , Zazzle etc.

Final Thoughts

Side Hustles are a great way to earn some extra cash every month which can go a long mile in paying the bills or saving up to buy something special, or just bringing in some additional income. Surprisingly, your side hustle also adds a lot of value to your Resume as well.

Besides, if this side hustle is something that coincides with your passion and skills, you may even be able to earn enough to make it a full-time affair!

Shortlist some side hustles, take time to do your research, and then choose the one that best fits your lifestyle, goals & existing resources. 

What do I do next?

Still on the fence and want to explore some other ideas, check out these articles:

Best Passive Income Ideas that works- A Definitive Guide [2022]

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